7 Day Cape York By Air
Departure Date
Room Option
Available After Purchase
Departure City
There are currently no available departure dates.
Single Supplement is per single room

Twin share rooms are for those who are booking separately but would like to share a room.

Please provide the full name (required) and booking ID (if applicable) of the person you are travelling with below.

Please note we do not pair travellers together. This option is only available to utilise if you already have a travelling companion to share with.

Travelling with another group?
Let us know if you are travelling with others outside of this booking.
Please provide their first and last name
Special requests
OTOAI logo
Group Size

These tours are our proudest creations. They have been crafted for Inspiring Vacations travellers exclusively, with personal and unique experiences in mind. Please see the Important Information on your selected tour for exact group size. Enjoy features such as hand-picked accommodation, a sampling of the region’s best culinary delights, and a range of optional activities to choose from to best suit your travel style.

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Contact Us

You will be required to pay for your tour in full today after you complete this booking. Payment options will be available on your invoice.

Gift card/discount code (optional)
In order to use your discount code, call us once you have completed your booking
Enter your contact number
Please provide your PAN
Has your ITR been filed for the last 2 year period or aggregates DS/TCS lower than INR 50 000?

Important: This RED HOT DEAL requires full payment upfront to proceed with your booking and secure this unbeatable price


Click the ‘book now’ button below to create your booking request. Next, follow the prompts to view your invoice and pay the total amount due to secure your place.

What’s next?

  1. Click the ‘Book now’ button to create your booking request
  2. Follow the prompts to 'view and pay your invoice'
    (note: a pop-up will appear prompting you to open your invoice in a new tab)
  3. Next, fill in your Passenger Details and click submit!
{{ product.name }}
{{ depDateObject?depDateObject.customerFriendlyFormat():"N/A" }}
{{ returnDateObject?returnDateObject.customerFriendlyFormat():"N/A" }}
Item Cost Qty Price
Dep. City
Additional Nights
Extended Cancellation Terms
Total (INR)
{{ methodType }} Merchant Fee ({{ slotPros.charging.surchargePercentage*100 }}%)
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Contact Us
By confirming this booking you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
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